Anne Liu Kellor is a mixed-race Chinese American writer, editor, and teacher based in Seattle. Her memoir, Heart Radical: A Search for Language, Love, and Belonging, was a 2021 IPPY Winner and Washington State Book Award finalist. Her next book, Both/And: A Mixed-Race Manifesto, is an anthology forthcoming in 2026 from Beacon Press. Anne’s work has also appeared in publications such as Longreads, New England Review, Fourth Genre, Memoir Land, and YES! Magazine, and has been supported by organizations such as Hedgebrook, The Whiteley Center, The Seventh Wave, Jack Straw Writers Program, 4Culture, and more. She facilitates online creative nonfiction classes, as well as workshops for multiracial people, and a yearlong nonfiction manuscript program for women and non-binary writers. Learn more at

Anne Liu Kellor