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A collection of forty of the Pacific Northwest’s trailblazing contemporary artists–the culture bearers of this region’s thriving arts community. Check back every week for the release of the most recent artist profile, culminating in a limited-edition book in 2024.

24 Gabriella Smith

Gabriella Smith felt guilty about making music as the world was burning. How could she justify playing with sound and pattern—exploring the percussive possibilities of cellos, juddering a violin bow staccato across its strings—while climate change threatened to destroy ecosystems and cultures? “It felt so selfish and inconsequential compared to, you know, wanting to solve the climate crisis.” It isn’t like she wasn’t doing anything to help. Gabriella has been involved in various kinds of climate action for a long time. She got her start at age twelve, volunteering for a songbird research project in Point Reyes, California.

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