Jim Lommasson is a freelance photographer living in Portland. Lommasson received the Dorothea Lange–Paul Taylor Prize from The Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University for his first book, “Shadow Boxers.” Lommasson’s next book “Oaks Park Pentimeno: Hidden Treasures Revealed” is about paintings on the Oaks Park carousel. Lommasson’s “Exit Wounds: Soldiers’ Stories – Life After Iraq and Afghanistan” is about American Veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. Lommasson “What We Carried: Fragments and Memories from the Cradle of Civilization” is a storytelling project with Iraqi and Syrian refugees. “What We Carried” was exhibited at the Ellis Island Museum of Immigration in 2019. Lommasson’s exhibition “Stories of Survival: Object. Image. Memory” about genocide and Holocaust survivors created in cooperation with the Illinois Holocaust Museum. Lommasson’s recent exhibition, “Stories of Survival and Remembrance: A Call to Action for Genocide Prevention” was exhibited at the United Nations in NYC in the Spring of 2023. Learn more at jimlommassonphotographer.blogspot.com.

Jim Lommasson